■詳細説明 ・Developed,designed,and manufactured by a Taiwanese company,withnoticeable effects and reasonable prices. ・Enhancing motorcycle handling:Upgrading the front fork springs canimprove the support of the motorcycle front fork,making it morestable when turning and braking. ・Reducing excessive vibrations:Upgrading the front fork springs canreduce excessive vibrations,improving riding comfort.
適合:YAMAHA MT-15(19-)
材質:SAE9254 スプリングスチール
・Kバリュー強化レベル(純正との比較)= +30%/50%
・Kバリュー:30% - 0.8/50% - 1.0
・Developed,designed,and manufactured by a Taiwanese company,withnoticeable effects and reasonable prices.
・Enhancing motorcycle handling:Upgrading the front fork springs canimprove the support of the motorcycle front fork,making it morestable when turning and braking.
・Reducing excessive vibrations:Upgrading the front fork springs canreduce excessive vibrations,improving riding comfort.
MT-15 年式: 19-