Do not compromise; can put it out; can sharpen it. All are the colored pencil of the core, 30 colors of sets of クーピー. It is a new type of colored pencil which I made use of the ease of writing of the colored pencil and beauty of the color development to have of the crayon in. As I can put it out with an eraser, it is available from the teaching materials to an illustration, a design widely. ●30 colors of sets ●A packing form: With a can (シュリンクパック) ●Materials: As for クーピー = wax, it is case = can ●Accessories: Eraser, cut device ●AP mark, CE mark safety standards conformity productHow to order in shopping cart
Do not compromise; can put it out; can sharpen it. All are the colored pencil of the core, 30 colors of sets of クーピー. It is a new type of colored pencil which I made use of the ease of writing of the colored pencil and beauty of the color development to have of the crayon in. As I can put it out with an eraser, it is available from the teaching materials to an illustration, a design widely.
●30 colors of sets
●A packing form: With a can (シュリンクパック)
●Materials: As for クーピー = wax, it is case = can
●Accessories: Eraser, cut device
●AP mark, CE mark safety standards conformity productHow to order in shopping cart