メーカー商品説明 Inner primary cover features a natural cast finish that is machined as an exact replacement. Cover is for use with 4 speed models.This 9 hole cover is reinforced and stronger than the original. Inner primary cover is machined with 9 holes for the outer primary cover, but will accept 8 or 9 hole outer primary covers. *NOTE: Comes with the bearing and seal installed. **NOTE: Sand casted for strength! *NOTE: New tooling developed to "Permanent" mold aluminum castings, for added strength and service! V-Twin MFG Exclusive!
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※2納期はおよそ5日~20日ほどになります。ご注文確定後、担当より メーカー在庫、納期のご案内をさせて頂きますので必ずご確認お願い致します。
状況により弊社よりお電話させていただきますので、日中連絡がとれるお電話 番号をご記入いただけますようお願い致します。
Inner primary cover features a natural cast finish that is machined as an exact replacement. Cover is for use with 4 speed models.This 9 hole cover is reinforced and stronger than the original. Inner primary cover is machined with 9 holes for the outer primary cover, but will accept 8 or 9 hole outer primary covers. *NOTE: Comes with the bearing and seal installed. **NOTE: Sand casted for strength! *NOTE: New tooling developed to "Permanent" mold aluminum castings, for added strength and service! V-Twin MFG Exclusive!
FLH 1970-1984
商品内容 1個売り
made in TAIWAN