■詳細説明 新しくなったオーバーレンジキット 新しいシステムはMultivar MHR NEXT をベースに開発されました。
The torque driver (movable pulley) has a larger diameter comparedto the original one and the very latest specifications,allowing tohave a greater velocity-ratio range compared to the originalpulley.
Malossi engineers have also taken particular care in realising thispulley right down to the smallest detail,using special materialsand a particular type of thermochemical treatment that ensuresexceptional surface hardness and therefore excellent wear andabrasion resistance.
The fixed half-pulley completes the OVER RANGE: this componentfeatures a diamond finish of the belt-side pulley surface and aredesigned working angle to further increase the gearing range.
The whole completion of OVER RANGE system is given by the torsioncontroller.
新しいシステムはMultivar MHR NEXT をベースに開発されました。
The torque driver (movable pulley) has a larger diameter comparedto the original one and the very latest specifications,allowing tohave a greater velocity-ratio range compared to the originalpulley.
Malossi engineers have also taken particular care in realising thispulley right down to the smallest detail,using special materialsand a particular type of thermochemical treatment that ensuresexceptional surface hardness and therefore excellent wear andabrasion resistance.
The fixed half-pulley completes the OVER RANGE: this componentfeatures a diamond finish of the belt-side pulley surface and aredesigned working angle to further increase the gearing range.
The whole completion of OVER RANGE system is given by the torsioncontroller.
T-MAX530 年式: 17-20
備考: J415E