商品説明 This shifter lever is extended and measures 9-3/4" long for extended reach. Lever is constructed of steel and has a chrome finish. This shifter lever features a splined center hole. Both the heel and toe sections of this shift lever are 1" longer than traditional levers, featuring a 2" total distance between the heal/toe shift. This added space allows a rider with a large boot extra room to move, and provides a comfortable riding position for a tall rider 適合 FLST 1986-UPFLT 1986-UP OEM 商品内容 1-EA madeinTAIWAN
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This shifter lever is extended and measures 9-3/4" long for extended reach. Lever is constructed of steel and has a chrome finish. This shifter lever features a splined center hole. Both the heel and toe sections of this shift lever are 1" longer than traditional levers, featuring a 2" total distance between the heal/toe shift. This added space allows a rider with a large boot extra room to move, and provides a comfortable riding position for a tall rider
FLST 1986-UPFLT 1986-UP