このパーカーは、オーバーオールとベストからインスパイアされたデザインで、スバングラディッシュリッシュさとレトロ感を兼ね備えています。大胆なカットで背中と脇を開けたデザインが特徴で、セクシーでユニークなルックを演出します。フィット感にもこだわり、着痩せ効果が期待できるシルエットで、体型にも自信を持って着用いただけます。※モデル着用のボトムスは販売しておりません。ベストのみの販売です。 The new Queer Castro Collection is our loving homage to the fashion of 70s San Francisco. Break boundaries while looking fabulous with our stylishly retro Queer Castro Capsule Hoodie Vest. This amazingly chic denim overalls-inspired design is totally one of a kind, just like you. You'll love the comfy, slimming fit and tastefully sexy cut. Crafted for those who aren't afraid to push boundaries, this top is perfect for showing off your fearless, confident side. Because being gay has never looked so good!
The new Queer Castro Collection is our loving homage to the fashion of 70s San Francisco. Break boundaries while looking fabulous with our stylishly retro Queer Castro Capsule Hoodie Vest. This amazingly chic denim overalls-inspired design is totally one of a kind, just like you. You'll love the comfy, slimming fit and tastefully sexy cut. Crafted for those who aren't afraid to push boundaries, this top is perfect for showing off your fearless, confident side. Because being gay has never looked so good!