Melotti メロッティー GP TOP YOKE RACE RS 660 APRILIA アプリリア
■商品概要 Material:Black or natural aluminium high quality.
■詳細説明 While the canonical measurements of wheelbase and offset head tubeoffset remained unchanged, this plate has a considerable weightreduction compared to the original. Maintaining excellent rigidity during the braking phase and thanksto the through pockets, it allows a progressive torsional capacityto facilitate insertion and cornering, a determining factor for therider who wants to take this bike to its limit; all this willresult in a better feeling on the front. In fact, once the preferred driving setting has been identified,the latter can be easily restored after disassembly and reassemblyoperations on the front axle. The plate is available in black (anodised) color, complete withstainless steel screws with a truncated cone head Pro-Bolt(official supplier of screws for most of the teams in the MotoGPand SBK world championship).
■注意点 ※To mount this steering yoke, racing clip-on handlebars must bepurchased separately and the steering limiter code LS.AP.7211 ※取り扱い説明書が付属する場合は、英語となります。 ※輸入商材の為、納期が遅れる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。 ※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。
Material:Black or natural aluminium high quality.
While the canonical measurements of wheelbase and offset head tubeoffset remained unchanged, this plate has a considerable weightreduction compared to the original.
Maintaining excellent rigidity during the braking phase and thanksto the through pockets, it allows a progressive torsional capacityto facilitate insertion and cornering, a determining factor for therider who wants to take this bike to its limit; all this willresult in a better feeling on the front.
In fact, once the preferred driving setting has been identified,the latter can be easily restored after disassembly and reassemblyoperations on the front axle.
The plate is available in black (anodised) color, complete withstainless steel screws with a truncated cone head Pro-Bolt(official supplier of screws for most of the teams in the MotoGPand SBK world championship).
※To mount this steering yoke, racing clip-on handlebars must bepurchased separately and the steering limiter code LS.AP.7211
RS 660
RS 660 年式: 21